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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Open page number 3

My sister one day came to me and handed me a piece of paper and said "Try this. I am. We can read them to one another and listen to the different perspectives that two can get on one subject." On the paper was just a simple list of words. With each word you had to write a poem based on that one word. I didn't have much going on at the time. I had completed My Dearest Rose and was just starting the second part. I thought I could give it a try in my free time. I never looked at the word in front of the one I was on. I liked it to be a surprise. One night a little after midnight, I came upon a certain word and thought 'well...I think I'm gonna like this one!' So I sat down in the dark, and  picked up my pen and paper.
Night has always been seen to some people as the time that holds the most evil, I see it as beautiful. I never did get to here my sister's perspective. Soon after the interest died out. With that being is a poem that I titled Dusk.

Hello, I can’t tell you my name for it changes all the time.
My words are of poison and I lure you in with lies.
I come out at dusk and lurk from far away.
I’m a creature of night, I hide in the light of day.
I can be centuries old or maybe just decades.
My skin stays cold, my eyes are dark, and I never age.
I feed off of the blood pumping through your veins.
I can never be caught, you would think I never even came.
Some see me as evil, some as deadly as sin.
But some see me as attractive and that’s how I rope them in.
Stories circulate of me all the time.
Not all of them are true.
But do you want to test the ones that are?
We can test them on you.
Because once I have you in my grasp there is no way of escape.
If someone was to find you, it would still be to late.
I’ll leave your body lifeless, pale as the moon in the middle of night.
You see, to me you’re just a feast, no matter if it’s wrong or right.
So in the end when dusk draws near I’ll be hiding in the dark.
Stay inside, lock your doors, and cover up tight.
I never miss my mark.

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