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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Immortality? Maybe...

So, I was thinking earlier today...which really isn't any different for me than any other day. But what ws particualerly on my mind was mortality. And what got me thinking of mortality was (of all things) watching my daughter Jewel play. Weird right? I know. I was thinking that a lot of people have a fear of mortality (to be honest myself included) I mean who wants to die? And if you could get any wish that you would want some would wish for immoratality. Then my next thought was this. If you got your wish, that may be just as scary if not scarier then mortality. Because really what is worse, dying or never being able to die and eventaually having nothing to live for. When all else that you have loved and treaured has perished and you are left...alone. And in the end, that's what would happen. And to be honest...What's the point in living when everything that keeps your heart beating is dead?
So, on a different note, after that somewhat morbid thought, I put it in the back of my mind and helped Jewel feed the horses carrots:-) The dark abyss' of my mind doesn't understadn some things but what it does undertand and revel in, as well as my heart, is the inteense amount of love that I have for the people that mean the most to me. And in the end I just want to thank then for keeping the spark in my eyes.
Oh...or you could just wish for immortality for all of you:-) That's a thought!

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