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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


You swallow the pills as poison. It's putrid and stinks and kills your relationship with everyone around you. I have been there for you for so long now. And I thought that you were there for me. But now you are all take and take and you never give anything in return. I never even asked for anything from you. I was warned. I should have known all along. You are like the rest of the world and have melted into the darkness of it. Every light that you held shines less and less by each passing day. Every flame that your soul is made of has extinguished.

Your eyes are glazed and you forget about everything that you have bragged and boasted about. You cross lines. You cross the lines lines. You trip and stumble and claim that love is not for you. You are only interested in what people can do for you. What people can give you, so you don't have to work for anything because you fear that you just might not make it. Fear has claimed you. You sit quiet as a coward while others fight for your freedom. Well I'm done fighting. I throw down my sword. I will search for a battle with a better revelation. One that is more likely to come.

I have to bite my tongue and grind my teeth in order to keep from saying that things that you rightly deserve to hear. You have hurt everyone that has ever cared for you. You have killed and destroyed innocence, just mowing it over, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake. You have opened up bright eyes to the horrors of what can reside in this world that they have for long believed in as magical and beautiful. You have taken us, and tried us, and have stomped and screamed and lied and have smiled sadness for so long now that we only see others as untrustworthy. Trust no one and question everyone, right?

You are sick and sad and so far off of the deep end that the cold icy water has done swallowed you under. Does it fill your lungs? Can you breathe by yourself? Or do need to rebuild the bridges of those that can help you...again?

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