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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Monday, November 18, 2013


In him my hope, faith, and dreams collide into something magical and unbreakable. There is beauty and an indescribable pureness that radiates through my every fiber, my entire being. On the heart and the soul. Visible through the eyes. He condemns no scars or marks. He judges no past or faults. His purity makes me clean and fresh, shining like new found treasure. He dusts me off, cleans the slate, and signifies my life. He walks me down narrow, unknown paths, forgotten territory, and keeps the evil that waits to devour me at bay. Their sharp teeth waiting. Claws hungry for fresh flesh.

He is there through the damage, turning of tides, rage, anger, screams, and sorrow. He is there through the torrential downpours, and gives me the courage and strength that I need to get up, fight, and believe in myself again. He will fight with me the whole time, and cleanse my wounds in water at the end. And I feel alive. And I feel raw and real. And for the first time I feel something holy. Maybe it's the ground beneath me. Maybe it's his blood. Maybe it's my tears. But there it is. A holiness that makes me weep salt, and water, and peace.

The peace will last as long as I need and I will heal. Then the war changes.

Now...the storms will come and they will rage. They will tear me down, but they can never destroy me again. Because for the first time I matter to someone. You matter to someone. Someone loves us more than he could ever love himself. He would die a thousand times over to prove it.

He loves me despite my messes, and constant mistakes, and imperfections. He loves you despite the clothes that you wear, the tattoos we have, how you feel, or how I look on my bad days. And with that kind of love I am whole. I am good enough. I am powerful enough, because he gives me the faith to believe it. In return I have faith in him.

You are free. We are beautiful and pure. The darkness will melt. The sun will take on a whole new significance and we you are never alone again.

We are never alone again.
I am safe.
I am strong.
I am brave.

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