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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


In today's society you push, or be pushed. You trample or get trampled on. You fight or suffer the blows. It seems that evil will try to kill out and dimish any kind of light that it finds. If you have light, it burns out. Others...burn it out. Kill it. You have to be strong, pick up your sword, and fight for what you believe in, or it will be taken away. And trust WILL be taken away. The most sensitive and meek are the first to be crushed. The wold hardens you and devours you. The ones you trust the most are the ones that turn you bitter. And if you don't watch your every step and take what people say lightly, you're soul can be crushed, and your heart will turn cold. Keep your eyes open. Keep them wide. Walk steady, be ready to back yourself up, and never falter. When you fall, stand again. Keep standing. Keep walking into the chaos with your head high. Stay alert. Stay strong. Never let anyone take away your spark, your fire to perservere. Never let anyone tell you that you can't, because you most certainly can. Never let anyone tell you that what you believe is wrong, because it's not. Do NOT back down. Walk forward, never backward. Steady your heart, and breathe.

My son Steven has just started school, and for the first week he was terrified. I sent him off to school again Monday, and I talked to him. This is what I said...
"I believe in you. I believe in everything that you can do and everything that you set out to accomplish. I believe in everything that you believe in. But, you have to push yourself to do the things that you want to do the most. You have to push yourself to do the things that you are scared of the most. This is life, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is sometimes the most important thing. You can't live in safety. You have to feel fear to understand it and move past it. I believe that you can do this, because you are strong. You are MY son, and you...are...strong and fearless. You are mine. I had you so that I can watch you and everything that it is that you want to be. I want to see all the wonderful things that you can become. I want to see how you, Steven, can change this world for the better. I want you to be better than me. You are really going to be a something. Because you shine. So go make a friend and I will be there to pick you up."

I sent him to school right after and left him with tears in his eyes. The next day, he walked in without me. When I went to retrieve him two hours later, he was smiling and sliding down every slide on the playground that there was. This was because my little five year old didn't let the world, put out his  fire. He didn't let his fears hold him back. He pushed himself. He left his comfort zone, and made a friend. And I am so proud of him. This goes to show that though evil tries to kill out any will NEVER win.

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