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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Dear Ones

Dear Ones,
 Hello. Some of you don't know me, but I know every one of you. I was there when you were born and knew everything that you were made to be. I instilled it in you/. Some took off with it. Some ignore it. Some of you went down different paths. I could have forced you to become what I wanted you to be, but I loved you to much so I gave you free will instead. Some of you fight for me, some die for my name, and some turn your back and pretend that we've never known each other. I remember you. You stand and pretend that you are alive, but the light has far faded out of your eyes , leaving them dark. You believe lies. A lot of what happens in this world is blamed on me and people scream "Why don't you do something? Prove to me that you are here." Then the ones who stand beside me know that I haven't done it, the human race and decisions that they have made have done it to themselves. They've wounded each other. In more ways then one. I could save everyone, but then, again comes in free will.  I can't make you change. The ones who know my love have felt it and know that their belief in  me will give them the peace and hope. They don't need proof. Proof is already in them.
I used to have a place in this world but I was slowly pushed out. I used to have a place in America, but I'm feeling the push there too. I'm barely hanging on. The ones who remember what they are here for are the only ones who have given me a reason and have invited me to stay. They still fight daily but they are feeling the push too. I have given them the strength to push back, and they will.
Some of my most brave have offered themselves up to fight for the whole. I'm with them all the time and they really need me, because a lot of the ones that they are fighting for have turned their back on them too. The call them trespassers, killers. They are not. They are doing what I have sent them to do. To keep the defense to save all from slaughter. To put themselves before others. When they are knocked down, they pick up their swords and fight again. I've given them that determination.
People used to say my name out loud, now I rarely hear it, and people fighting for peace have turned a blind eye and don't even notice the irony in it all. This nation used to stand for me, some say it still does, and the fight continues. Who will win? The light. The light outshines all darkness. And those in the light will rise in victory with me by their side. I'm always there. I hold your life in my hands. I want to hold your heart.

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