My Dearest Rose,
Here it all is. A life a fantasy and tragedy. A life of love and happiness and bitterness and death. A life that's mine. My life as I will ever know it. All of my memories etched on paper. All of them timeless, treasured, unchanged, and untouched. Some are tragic and painful, but some are well loved and joyous. With every life there are up's and there are down's. It's the price you have to pay to be alive, but live you do. One day you will experience heartbreak, but keep in mind that when it happens that the pain will not last long and you will soon find love to replace it. The love? Well, the love lasts longer then this world will allow. I know that you won't be able to read this until you're older, but maybe by then you will understand.
Here precious one, I give you a memento, a keepsake to take along with you through your travels and journeys in life. Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't, because whatever it is you want to do, you can. You're better, you're strong, you're beautiful, and you're more then good enough. Most of all you are forever loved.
If you need someone to hold you, I'm here. If you need someone strong, you got your dad. That man is stronger than he realizes, in more ways than one. If you need an older brother to do the things that older brothers do, well, you got one of those. Listen to this last part though Rose, if you fall and all you seemt o do is keep on falling, you have God. As for me, I have just realized that, but I want that knowledge instilled in you.
If you think that this book is ending, you are wrong. This book has many more chapters to fill the empty pages as we continue making sweet and sorrowful memories, as we keep on choosing the right decisions and tripping over our mistakes. So, no Rose, this is not the ending, just the beginning.
My love eternally,
Your mother
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