Here's to the random days where it feels like you're doing the same old routine that you do every other day. Here's to your kids screaming and fighting with each other and then running to you to tattle on. Here's to your car breaking down when you have no money in the bank, and then here's to a loved one giving you a loan to get the to expensive part that you need, and then you're daddy helping your husband put it on. Here's to a simple dollar in your pocket. Here's to your broken shower being fixed. Here's to school coming up the next day for a still very scared five year old boy. Here's to no matter how much he fears it, the fact is, nothing could ever seperate me from his side. Nothing could ever make me walk away.
Here's to a little girl with a cough and the sniffles, and going a long sleepless night trying to settle her and bring down her fever. Here's to a husband that is irrational, and complicated, but also very selfless and you love him back for ever bit of who he is. Here's to a family that no matter how many times you have disaggreements, we are always there for each other, and will always have the others back. Here's to giving whatever it is you can to simply help. Here's to not having much, but not needing much either and realizing a long time ago that that isn't what matters in life anyways. Here's to what we really need. The air, a heartbeat, a hug, and a kiss. What we really need is a shooting star, a wish in the sky, to say goodbye, to hear I love you. We need the one that holds our hand, that calls us mommy, to care, and have someone care. We need a soft kiss on the cheek from a child. We need to cuddle with a kitten. We need to give without expecting anything back. Never loan. Give.
We need the moonlight on our face, and the warmth of the sun running through our fingertips, feeling like you're spirit is being zapped with energy, leaving you tingling. We need a rain that cleanses and leaves you purified, and we need a bird to build a nest in your favorite bird house. We need to grow something from a seed and feel a sense of accomplishment when you see the full blooms and flowers. We need to grow a tree and plant it so that it will live here on this earth long after you will be here. We need God. We need life. We need the small things. And most of all we need to know that everything is going to be okay.
So here's to you. Here's to me. Here's to life.
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