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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Sunday, April 26, 2015


I could be lonely. I could be selfish, and maybe I am. I could be blind. Maybe I'm shaded. I could be the cynical, the hateful and hated.  But I choose love for those who also choose love. Love for each other and the underdog. Love for those losing the battle and who needs a friend to help them fight despite the odds. Love for the war torn country that stands for everything that I believe in. And I love those who love them as well.

I have been blessed in this life with every throbbing beat of my heart and every drop of red that pumps through my veins. I have been given people to love, and so many of them. And I love them all in all different shades and colors of what love can be or mean. I love them without measurement or definition. I love them with the speed of light and sound combined. I love so many that my prayers at night would be hours long if I were to name them with all that they need. And that is blessed, my friend.

Lord God, our Father in heaven,

I pray for protection and safety over my family and all who I hold dear to me. I pray that you heal them in their own individual ways that only you can know of. I pray that you strip them of any illness and make them whole and new. I pray that you give them strength and courage to make the right decisions even if they are tough and mean sacrifice. I pray, Lord, that you help them accomplish what they think to be impossible and that you find a way to let them know that you are always, always with them. That they are never alone, even when they feel like the only one left in the world. I pray that they prosper and persevere and love so flawlessly and unconditionally. I pray they find it in them to always plant their feet firmly on the ground in the morning and that you take away any of their pain. I pray that they know the dawn, orange-bruised sunset, and sparkling shining stars and hold them forever and well in their minds eye, heart and soul. I pray that they hold everything dear to them in places that no man can touch or take away. And finally, we love you, and I pray that you love us the same despite, our let downs, weaknesses, and perfect imperfections. We will never be you or be on your level, but we are loved by you nonetheless and hope that you know, KNOW, that we are grateful. And we know as long as we have our faith, and as long as we hold our hope nothing can really hurt us and we will be okay. We will be just fine. And, God, I pray for a little of the same. Thank you for your blessings and for hearing my prayer.

In your name, I pray this...

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