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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let's get a like for anyone who agrees

It's funny how some people get some weird twisted impersonations of a others being weak in the mind, and in strength. I am not sexist. This goes for everybody. There are a lot of lovely men out there, that talk intellectually to women, who see them for who they are, and who do not try to take advantage. Some of my friends are kind like this, some of my family, and even my husband, and I have the upmost respect for them. But speckled in is a person who thinks that they can call you honey, beautiful, dear, sweetheart, and you will get weak in the knees. Your heart will just melt and you are at their bidding. Seriously? Granted, some women (and men) may be like this, but it doesn't qualify for everyone.
I was naive and very trusting when I was younger. As I grew my ignorance turned to strength and questioning, and my trust diminished drastically. I look for others ulterior motives, any other angles they may try to hide, I look in their eyes, and listen to their voice first to make a decision on if they could ever be trusted in any way. I am not cynical. I am safe. I do have a gaurd. Not to mention that by nature I am an awkward person. I've come a long way with my emotions and mentality. I've come along way in the issues of learning and living. Learning all of this has cost me, but it has made me who I am and I would not take that back. Because who I am has given me a physical, mental, and emotional strength. And I know that there are other men and women out there who has had to learn painful lessons in the past, men and women who won't go back to how they were. So sweet nothings? Nonsensical talking? We're not falling for it. I'm not falling for it. So honey, walk away.

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