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Awakening Iris (The Dreamcatchers Saga #1)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sneak Peek

Just a little sneak peek into "My Dearest Rose" for all of you.

"My dearest Rose,
Here it all is. A life of fantasy and tragedy. A life of love and happiness, and bitterness and death. a life that's mine. My life as I have ever known it. All of my memories etched on paper. All of them timeless, treasured, unchanged, and untouched. Some are tragic and painful, but some are well loved and joyous. With every life there are ups and there are downs. It's the price you have to pay to be alive, but live you do. One day you will experience heartbreak, but keep in mind when it happens that the pain will not last long and you will soon find love to replace it. The love? Well, the love lasts longer then this world will allow..."

If you would like to take the first part of Iris and Jason's journey with them, check out "My Dearest Rose." It's now available through Authorhouse, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble online! Love to all of you and goodnight!

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